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The mosaic backsplash is a design idea that easily lends itself to Kitchen renovation projects. As well thoughtful mosaic images, patterns and designs can add a splash of colour and a visual focal point to any bathroom space. An original mosaic backsplash may be exactly the thing your kitchen or bathroom remodelling project needs. If committing yourself to a particular design is slowing you down on tackling a backsplash project read on …

Make it Portable

There’s no need to tie yourself down to a single mosaic art design forever! We really like the approach described in this older post on DIY diva Kate Pruitt’s blog, Design SpongeThe kitchen redo + mosaic backsplash project she showcases in this article was created by one of her followers. We particularly like the fact that the backsplash, which is placed behind the kitchen sink, is removable. After enjoying the mosaic for a few years anyone following this design idea will be able to take the current backsplash off and replace it with a new one. The older backsplash can then be repurposed into a table or simply hung on the wall in a different location. Plus; we also like the fact that the whole removable backsplash approach lends itself well to the mosaic enthusiast who’s renting and may need to relocate eventually.

No Holds Barred
When mosaic artist, Sherry Eckhart, decided to tackle the kitchen in her older Long Beach California apartment she knew that even though the space was small the project was going to be BIG. Ecclectic in her tastes she took a “no holds barred” approach to the project. Eckhart let her imagination run wild and a carnival/fun house type of theme emerged. The end result; an eye-popping kitchen with a myriad of striped patterns, textured surfaces and surprising details. Watch the following YouTube video by twisted4art to see what Sherry cooked up in her kitchen!
Need Inspiration?
'Looking for ideas? Not everyone will want to be quite as dramatic in their backsplash design as Ms. Eckhart. For those of you with tamer tastes we suggest having a look at the award winning work of mosaic artists, Carl and Sandra Bryant. Check out some of their coveted designs from commissioned projects here on their website. These two work as a team and the scope of their many projects is broad, reflecting their combined skill-sets. The joint artists’ statement posted on the website reflects the inspirational thinking that informs each work of art presented in their online gallery: Mosaics as an art form, inspires constant growth, patience and the ability to push the boundaries of what is expected. It is our goal to continually grow and evolve in our choice of materials, our methods and artistic views, to further the recognition of mosaics as true fine art. Our goal is [to] create mosaics that expand the footprint onto building walls, floors and ceilings. We find that the larger work broadens the experience, taking the small details to a new level. There really are no limits.'
- Carl & Sandra Bryant
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